Souenance de mémoire de géographie à l'ENS Yaoundé
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- Publié le vendredi 28 août 2009 10:10
LIBERALISATION ECONOMIQUE ET MUTATIONS SOCIO SPATIALES A BAFOU Mémoire présenté en vue de l’obtention du diplôme de professeur de l’enseignement secondaire du second cycle (DIPES II) PAR : NINTIDEM WOUMPE CARINE JULIE |
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In Bafou like in major Cameroonians rural areas, the emergence of numerous actors and the evolution of the agricultural sector constitute the major response to the economic crisis and the failure of government structures to carter for the needs of the rural areas. In effect, the economic crisis ushered in some changes that affected the agricultural sector adverseting especially in the domain of cash cropping. These changes took the farmers by surprise. The economic crisis also resulted to the disengagement of the state. The state responded to this by liberalising the structures that were in charge of the agricultural sector such as uccao and its partners. This state of affairs unded the future of the agricultural sector questionable, as the structural adjustment programmes (SAP) were put in place with its numerous exigencies. Consequently, the efforts of the state were renceforth complemented by private initiatives.
These issues were crucial in our decision to investigate into what became of the socio-spatial landscape of Bafou follow after the economic liberalisation we are going to point out now changes in the socio spatial landscape brought in new partners of development. In our analysis we actors we will examine some of these new partners of developments. These include: the elites, non governmental organisations, common initiative groups, CODEV and migrants.
These observation of aerial photographs of 1983, the analysis of the terrain as well as the changing nature of the landscape will be interpreted both qualitatively and quantitatively placing emphasis on the extension of cultivable lands, the scopes occupied, mountain tops and hills, as well as the mashy areas. On the qualitative domain we have a move from state of dilapidating bocage to a steady growth in total surface area allocated to the cultivation of food croops, to and a geometric increase or an expulsion in market gardening. The changes taking place in Bafou have created or resulted to the re-establishment of relations between the urban centres and the agricultural centres. However the emergence of these news actors of development has been made possible by both internal as well as external factors.
Key woods: economic liberalisation, emergence of new actors, socio-spatial changes, the disengagement of the state, the dynamism of the Bamileke, sustainable development.
La présente étude est l’aboutissement de deux années d’étude passé à l’école normale supérieure de Yaoundé. Elle doit sa forme complète à la contribution d’un certain nombre de personnes et organismes à qui nous tenons à exprimer toute notre gratitude. Nous pensons ici :
- Au Professeur René Joly ASSAKO ASSAKO chef de département de géographie à l’ENS de Yaoundé, qui malgré ses nombreuses occupations n’a ménagé ni son temps, ni sa peine pour conduire ce travail.
- Au Professeur ELONG J.G. et au Docteur LIEUGOMG M. pour les séminaires scientifiques et enseignement portant sur la méthodologie de recherche.
- A tous les enseignants du Département de Géographie de l’ENS de Yaoundé.
- A M. TIASSE Joseph, en service à l’institut national de la cartographie.
- Aux autorités administratives et traditionnelles de Bafou pour certaines informations précieuses.
- Aux paysans de Bafou pour l’accueil qu’ils nous ont réservé lors de nos différentes descentes sur le terrain.
- A M. FOUETIEU André personnel de la surveillance au lycée de Bafou qui nous a donné des informations pertinentes au sujet du fonctionnement de ce lycée.
- A M. NGUEZET Guy Mathurin pour les nombreux documents portant sur Bafou et les FOVIBA ;
- Au personnel du site web
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